I may include a bit of HV alongside Casti Connubii (as I think that gets to a lot of HV, especially when combined with Familiaris Consortio) like including Vix Pervenit alongside Rerum Novarum, time/capacity permitting.
That makes sense. And your syllabus looks good. I've wanted to carefully read through most of these documents since I converted, but I haven't gotten around to it.
Last question: some people debate the "right" translation of dignitatis humanae. Will you be open if readers use a non-standard translation, e.g., Michael Pakaluk has one in draft form that looks good? Not a big deal either way, just curious.
You can view the syllabus here: https://vienna.earth/plate/slayback/CST%20Reading%20Group
I may include a bit of HV alongside Casti Connubii (as I think that gets to a lot of HV, especially when combined with Familiaris Consortio) like including Vix Pervenit alongside Rerum Novarum, time/capacity permitting.
That makes sense. And your syllabus looks good. I've wanted to carefully read through most of these documents since I converted, but I haven't gotten around to it.
Last question: some people debate the "right" translation of dignitatis humanae. Will you be open if readers use a non-standard translation, e.g., Michael Pakaluk has one in draft form that looks good? Not a big deal either way, just curious.
Yeah, I’m open to it being a point of discussion -- just want to avoid getting stuck in weeds for the full hour!