Hello all,
I’m potentially organizing a reading group on Catholic Social Teaching this coming winter/spring season.
We’ll read a number of papal bulls and encyclicals regarding the Catholic Church’s teaching on economics, technology, social issues, and just governance, starting with St. John Paul II’s Veritatis Splendor to lay the foundation of the natural law and its place in Catholic Social Thought.
I’m putting this together as a number of friends and acquaintances have expressed interest in the topic in recent months and it provides a good opportunity to dig into primary source documents. We’ll work our way through this anthology (though all documents are available online).
I don’t claim to be an expert on this topic, so this isn’t a lecture series or anything like that, but more like a Liberty Fund style reading group similar to the ones we run at 1517 and that I’ve run for ISI. Time- and interest-permitting, I may invite an expert on one or several topics to join us along the way.
You can request an invite here. We’ll do the reading group if we reach a critical mass of interest on a somewhat regular schedule of days.
Happy Thanksgiving,